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Retirement System Links

Retirement System Links

U.S. OMNI & TSACG Compliance Services neither sells nor markets investment or insurance products. Furthermore, we do not offer investment advice to our clients (employers) or to their employees. 
Listed below are some websites that contain general information about pension plans and information regarding certain governmental agencies. These sites are provided to give employees access to additional information concerning their retirement options.

Teachers Retirement System of Alabama - TRS

Alaska Department of Administration - Retirement and Benefits

Arizona State Retirement System - ASRS

Arkansas Public Employees' Retirement System - APERS

California State Teachers' Retirement System - CalSTRS

Colorado Public Employees' Retirement Assoication - PERA

Connecticut Retiree Resources

Florida Retirement System - FRS

The Teachers Retirement System of Georgia - TRS

Public School Employees Retirement System of Georgia - PSERS

Public Employee Retirement System of Idaho - PERSI

Illinois State Retirement System  - TRS

Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund - IMRF

State Retirement System of Illinois - SRS

Indiana Public Retirement System/Teacher Retirement Fun - TRF

Iowa Public Employees' Retirement System - IPERS

Kentucky Retirement Systems

Louisiana School Employees' Retirement System - LSERS

Teachers' Retirement System of Louisiana - TRSL

Maine Public Employees Retirement System - MainePERS

State Retirement and Pension System of Maryland - SRPS

Massachusetts Teachers’ Retirement System - MTRS

Michigan's Public School Employees Retirement System - MPSERS

Minnesota State Retirement System - MSRS

Public Employees' Retirement System of Mississippi - PERS

The Public School and Education Employee Retirement Systems of Missouri - PSRS/PEERS

Montana Teachers' Retirement System - TRS

Montana Public Employee Retirement System - PERS

Nebraska Public Employees' Retiremenet Systems - NPERS

Public Employees Retirement System of Nevada - PERS

New Hampshire Retirement System - NHRS

New Jersey Public Employees' Retirement System - PERS

Public Employees' Retirement Association of New Mexico - NM PERA

North Carolina Retirement Systems

North Dakota Public Employees' Retirement System - NDPERS

The School Employees' Retirement System of Ohio - SERS

State Teachers' Retirement System of Ohio - STRS

Oklahoma Public Employees Retirement System - OPERS

Oklahoma Teachers Retirement System - TRS

Pennsylvania Public School Employees' Retirement System - PSERS

Employees' Retirement System of Rhode Island - ERSRI

South Carolina Public Employee Benefit Authority - PEBA

South Dakota Retirement System - SDRS

Tennesee Consolidated Retirement System - TCRS

Teacher Retirement System of Texas - TRS

Utah Retirement System - URS

Vermont State Employees' Retirement System - VSERS

Virginia Retirement System - VRS

Washington State Department of Retirement Systems - DRS

West Virginia Consolidated Public Retirement Board

Wisconsin Retirement System - ETF

Wyoming Retirement System - WRS