Our Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic Financial Wellness Center
You may initiate transactions online at https://transaction.tsacg.com.

Employer Demographic Data

Click here to view the list of software providers.

In the continuing effort to provide best in class service to our clients, TSACG is pleased to offer the use of our Aggregated Records and Transactions (ART) system for those clients providing regular demographic data.  ART is an advanced Web-based system which provides Plan level reporting and information for the Plan Sponsor and allows participants to gain immediate approval certification for eligible transactions 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  Eligible transactions include but are not limited to the following:

-Loans (Non-residential)
-Qualified Distributions Attributable to Participant Age
-Qualified Distributions Attributable to Separation from Service
ART utilizes and aggregates data from two sources: 1) Participant account information received from the authorized investment providers in the Plan; and 2) Employee demographic information received from the Plan Sponsor. In order to activate this feature for those clients not presently utilizing this system, TSACG is requesting and recommending the implementation of a program to produce and upload a monthly demographic file to our firm.

For those participants not wishing to use ART to initiate a transaction, the receipt of demographic information will allow our firm to efficiently process transactions without having to contact the Plan Sponsor for information such as date of birth and employment status. Demographic information will also be used to further support contribution limit testing, and the statistical information gathered ensures our firm will be able to effectively address and advise you regarding Plan operation. 

TSACG has worked with several HR/Payroll software providers to develop our demographic file format. If you use software from one of the providers listed below, it is possible that our file format is already available within your current version.

You can contact the software support team at your provider for assistance with the process specific to their requirements.


ADP Payroll Services Kirtley Technology Corporation
CASA Optimal Solutions
Comprehensive Information Management for Schools (CIMS) PeopleSoft
Computer Management Technologies (CMT) Quintessential School Systems (QSS)        
CrossPointe SAP Software Solutions
Customized Data Services Schools Open
Data Control and Research, Ltd. (DCR) Skyward
Effective Software Products, Inc. (ESP) Software & Services
Ellucian Specialized Data Systems, Inc. (SDS)
EmpowerFinancials Stapleton and Associates
Harris School Solutions Systems 3000
Humanic Design TBAISD Group
ISIS Tyler Technologies
K-12 Enterprise Wiedenhammer

If you do not use one of the providers identified above, a demographic file template can be provided to you immediately upon request.  To request a copy of this template or if you have questions regarding the content and/or format of the demographic file, please contact our firm at data@tsacg.com.  Once a test demographic file has been produced please visit the Employer Data Uploads page to request your login and password for an FTP account. This process provides a secure method to upload your files.

We encourage you to take advantage of this beneficial service today for you and your employees.

Click here to access the Employer Data Uploads page.